Three Steps to Making Your Personal Finances More Private in a...

Imagine a world where every financial move you make gets recorded in databases that are accessible by any number of third parties – from...

Facebook Hit w/ $5 Billion Fine over Data Privacy Breaches

‘I’m hopeful that additional conditions placed on Facebook’s business practices will be forthcoming…’ (AFP) A day after President Donald Trump called strongly for the accountability...

Big Tech, Big Banks Push for “Cashless Society”

The War on Cash isn’t a conspiracy theory. It’s an open agenda. It’s being driven by an alignment of interests among bankers, central bankers,...

Taxpayers in Ohio Get Screwed Again by a Rare Coin Scammer…

It’s bad enough when bait-and-switch “rare” coin dealers stick it to naive customers. But when one of those shady peddlers got involved with politicians...

Supreme Court Rules States Cannot Seize Assets, Money Excessively

‘State and local governments increasingly seize the property of private citizens as a means of funding, without due process…’ (Kaylee McGhee, Liberty Headlines) In a...

Race to the Bottom: What to Expect as the Fed Eases

How low will they go? With the Federal Reserve all but certain to cut interest rates multiple times in the months ahead, central bankers are...

Like Jeffrey Epstein, Bullion Banks Get Sweet Deals from the Justice...

First, a bank’s commodities trading department takes metals investors for a ride like unwitting victims in the back of Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express.” Now federal...

Keep Your Wealth from Falling into the Negative Interest Rate Vortex

The world is in the midst of one of the strangest asset bubbles of all time. Instead of being fueled by the hope of...

Survey: Baby Boomers Are $30 Trillion Short On Retirement Savings

(Zero Hedge) There are roughly 76 million Baby Boomers in the United States that are about to transition out of the highest wage earning...

Millennials are Math-Challenged with Their Career, Retirement Aspirations

Most think they will be able to quit working at age 53, after only starting to save for retirement at age 36… (Michael Barnes, Liberty...