
Boober Eats: Strip Club Shut Down Over Coronavirus Now Delivers Food

(The Oregonian) Portland finds a way. Close down her strip clubs, and dancers will do delivery.

That’s what’s happening at the Lucky Devil Lounge at 633 S.E. Powell Blvd. The club was forced to close with Gov. Kate Brown’s mandate to stem the spread of coronavirus, but the order does allow food establishments to offer take-out or delivery.

And thus was born club owner Shon Boulden’s newest business: Boober Eats.

The home delivery service, in which a pair of scantily clad strippers will deliver hot food to your door, started as a joke Boulden posted on social media. When people began seriously inquiring about orders, Boulden saw potential.

So, while the rest of Portland was hoarding toilet paper and pasta, he bought out one local store’s stock of pasties.

From 7 p.m. to 1 a.m., Boober Eats is offering the full menu from the Lucky Devil Lounge at the same prices. Delivery rates are generally $30, but vary depending on distance from the lounge.

“If someone wants to give us a couple hundred bucks to go to the coast, we’ll do it as long as the girls are taken care of,” Boulden said.

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