
Electric Cars Cost More Than Too Much

(Eric Peters Autos) Electric cars are costing us more than just too much money.

They’re also costing jobs.

Just in time for Thanksgiving, Audi announced the end of 9,500 of them – to help finance the development of electric cars. “We are now tackling structural issues in order to prepare Audi for the challenges ahead,” said Audi’s CEO Bram Schot.

The “structural issues” he speaks of are the outlawing of other-than-electric cars by the German government, effective come 2030.

The jobs lost amount to 15 percent of the company’s German workforce and by eliminating them, Audi will “raise” $6.6 billion – that is, cannibalize itself of that sum – to manufacture products it can’t make money selling but which the German government is forcing them to make.

Days later, Mercedes-Benz announced it was laying off another 10,000 – for the same reason.

VW Chief Herbet Diess says it could cost 100,000 jobs

U.S. exhaust emissions standards are already at the point of camel-through-the-eye-of-a-needle restrictive, such that it is almost impossible to comply with them without building electric cars.

Which is why GM is converting one of its major assembly plants to EV production – and closing several other plants. It is why Ford just launched the Mach E electric “Mustang.” It will replace the real Mustang.

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